Childress 4 Assembly

P. O Box 154
Montclair NJ 07042
Phone: 973-674-2010



Pastor Clenard Howard Childress, Jr., is a life long resident of Montclair, New Jersey, joined the New Calvary Baptist Church in September of 1974 under the pastorate of Dr. Shellie Sampson. In 1978, he was appointed Director of the Youth Department, to organize and educate youth.

He also served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Superintendent of the Sunday School Department and Vice-President of the Outreach Ministries

Pastor Childress successfully completed Northern Baptist School of Religion in 1986 where he majored in Christian Education.

He was ordained in 1988 by the North Jersey Shiloh Association and later installed as Senior Pastor of New Calvary in April of 1989.

In 1997, Pastor Childress, along with his wife Regina, founded the Eutychus Mission, a ministry designed to provide continued rehabilitation and assistance to recently released juvenile detention detainees back into the mainstream of society.

In October of 1998, Essex County Executive James Treffinger honored Pastor Childress’ faithful and effective work at the Essex County Juvenile Detention Center by installing him as a Chaplain.

In November of 1998, he founded the Celebration of Life Day Care Center, which provides loving Christian care for children from infancy to 5 years of age.

In August of 1999, Pastor Childress was appointed President of the Life Education And Resource Network (L.E.A.R.N) in Northeast Region. He was a chief organizer of the “SaySo” March to the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC

In November of 2000, Pastor Childress was awarded the Community Service Award by the Montclair Chapter of the N.A.A.C.P. for his dedicated work in the community.

In May 2001, Pastor Childress began broadcasting “The Urban Prophet” taking the pro-life pro-family message into the urban areas.

In September of 2002, Pastor Clenard H. Childress Jr. birthed the Pro-life website This website was designed to reach the Afro-American Community with the truth about abortion.

In January 2003, Pastor Childress was appointed a member of the National Pro-Life Religious Council of Washington, DC.

In March of 2003 Pastor Childress was appointed to the Board of The Center For Bio Ethical Reform. The Center For Bio Ethical Reform is a National Group dedicated to educating the nation and foreign countries on the rights of the unborn.

In January 2004, Pastor Childress was appointed President of the Montclair African American Clergy Association (MAACA).

In 2004 Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr. was appointed by the Board of Directors of LEARN to Assistant the National Director, of the Life Education And Resource Network.

Rev Clenard
Childress having been recommended by his peers and approved by the Board of Scholars of the National Clergy Council of Washington Dc in conjunction with the Mid-Atlantic Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church –USA, received The Honorary Degree of Doctorate of Divinity.

In March Of 2006 Rev. Clenard H. Childress authored his first book No Shepherd’s Cry. Pastor Childress and his book were featured on the 700 Club hosted by CBN’s Pat Roberson.

In 2007 Rev Childress produced the website to respectfully oppose the candidacy of Barack Obama due to his partnership with Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

In March 2009 Partnering with The Center For Bioethical reform Rev Childress and a team of 16 Afro-American pro-life activist presented a two day display on the campus of the largest African American college in America Florida A&M University.

In December of 2010 Pastor Clenard Childress began Clergy For Better Choices a NYC based clergy information network. Partnering with Life Always a pro-life group in Houston Texas a Bill Board posted in So Ho Manhattan. 

In February of 2011 Manhattan with saying created by Rev Childress "the most dangerous place for an African American to Be Is in The Womb of His African American Mother" helped raise the awareness of the Clergy network and reach a broader base of Pastors and social activist.

In April 5th of 2013 Rev Childress along with Day Gardner of the National Black Pro-Life Union held a press conference outside the Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia to demand main stream media to cover the criminal trial of Kermitt Gosnell the late term abortion doctor. Fox news followed and featured Pastor Childress in their National Religious Report with Lauren Green.

In February of 2015 LEARN Northeast and Center For Bio Ethical Reform launched the "All Black Life Matters" project. The Black Life Matters mantra has created the catalyst for the conversation we have been looking to elevate since our inception. This project has proven to be a extremely productive means to open the eyes of the public to the detriment of abortion.

December 2nd 2017 the Life Education And Resource Network in recognition of a life time commitment to raise awareness to halt genocide by standing spiritually strong in the midst of social and political changes your fellow issue driven brothers and sisters in Christ present you with the Erma Clardy Craven Award. 

December 15 of 2017 PBS Front Line produced the documentary " Anti-Abortion Crusaders inside the African American Abortion Battle where Rev Childress was highly featured. This was a breakthrough documentary produced by the Public Broadcasting System.

In October of 2018 Pastor Childress received the Life Time Achievement Award for his Pro-Life work in the state of Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania Pro-life Federation.

In March of 2018 the Second Annual "International Gift of Life Walk" in New York City, Celebratory Rally honoring five Grand Pro-Life Heroes: Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Northeast Director of Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN), for his pro-life work locally and nationally.

On October 22, 2020 ARISE NJ Recognized the Pro-life efforts of LEARN & by awarding him "The Outstanding Citizen Action Award" at The Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ.

Pastor Childress Jr. has repeatedly been featured in World Magazine and has contributed commentary and editorials for Christianity Today, The Christian Post, Black Christian News, The Washington Times and New Jersey Star Ledger and is a regular columnist on Alan Keys Renew America.

Pastor Childress is joyously married to Regina Childress and has four children: Clenard, Thomas, Tonya and Tia.